Browse All Photos Tagged vtrailroad

V&T Locomotive #25 in Carson City

V&T Locomotive #27 in Virginia City

V&T Locomotive #27 in Virginia City

V&T #27 at Gold Hill

V&T #27 at Gold Hill

V&T Depot

V&T Depot

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Locomotive #27 in Mound House

Mound House Abandoned Rails

Mound House Depot

Gold Hill Depot

V&T Tunnel #5

Virginia City Railroad Land

Approaching Mound House

Railroad Crossing

Climbing the Hill


V&T Safe

Railroad Yard Repurposed

Virginia City Train Depot

V&T Coach #16 at Carson City

Lakeview Summit

V&T #11 The Reno

V&T #11 The Reno

V&T #11 The Reno

V&T 26 Ruins

Tearing up the Tracks

V&T at Scales

Steamboat Rail Bridge

Excursion Leaving Reno

V&T 11 at Reno

Virginia City Snow

Snow Train

Minden Station

V&T Passenger Depot

Gold Hill

Reno Depot

McKeen at the Station

V&T in Reno

V&T in Reno

V&T in Reno

V&T Enginehouse Demolition

Inside the V&T Shops

V&T Enginehouse Demolition

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

V&T Enginehouse

At the Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Equipment at Mound House

V&T Equipment at Mound House