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Destroying the Capital Building 5

Destroying the Capital Building 4

Destroying the Capital Building 3

Destroying the Capital Building 2

Destroying the Capital Building 1

Mapes and Riverside

Mapes and Riverside

Mapes and Riverside

Mapes and Riverside

The Old Court House Virginia City

Virginia City Panorama

Masonic Hall, Virginia City

Territorial Enterprise

Street Scene in Virginia City, Nevada

Street Scene, Virginia City, Nevada

Street Scene, Virginia City, Nevada

Street Scene, Virginia City, Nevada

Street Scene, Virginia City, Nevada

Bucket of Blood

Silver Stope, Virginia City

B Street, Virginia City, Nevada

Sutro Tunnel

Comstock Assay Office

The Old County Hospital, Virginia City, Nevada

Piper's Opera House Built in 1876, Virginia City, Nevada

Court House at Virginia City, Nevada

"Con Chollar" Big Pit at Gold Hill, Nevada

Silver City, Nevada

Virginia City, Nevada From The Air

Eureka Quartz Mill -- Carson River

Eureka Quartz Mill and Flume -- From the Dam

Distant View of the Dam

Looking Down the River -- From the Dam

Near View of the Eureka Dam

Dam -- Above the Eureka Mill, Carson River

Carson River -- Above the Franklin Mill

Lady Bryan Mine and Croppings

Occidental Mine and Croppings

Croppings in Weber Canyon

Palmyra Mountain -- Carson River, from mouth of Sutro Tunnel

Cedar Hill -- From the Sutro Tunnel Road

Virginia City -- From the Sutro Tunnel Co.'s Road

Road from Sutro Tunnel Shaft No. 4 to Virginia City

Virginia City -- From the Birdsall Grade

Road to Virginia City -- Built by the Sutro Tunnel Company

Boarding House -- At Shaft No. 4, Sutro Tunnel

Shaft No. 4 -- Sutro Tunnel, from the East

Shaft No. 4 -- Sutro Tunnel

Boarding House -- At Shaft No. 1, Sutro Tunnel

Shaft No. 3 -- Sutro Tunnel, from the East

Shaft No. 3 -- Sutro Tunnel

Sugar Loaf Mountain -- From Six Mile Canyon

Road Between Sutro Tunnel Shafts Nos. 2 and 3

Sutro Tunnel Shaft No. 2 -- With Shaft No. 3 in the distance

Shaft No. 2 and Boarding House of the Sutro Tunnel Company

Boarding House of the Sutro Tunnel Company -- At Shaft No. 3

Shaft No. 2 -- Sutro Tunnel, from the South

Shaft No. 2 -- Sutro Tunnel

Water Carrier to Shaft No. 3 - Sutro Tunnel

Mountain Road to Virginia City - Built by Sutro Tunnel Company