Browse All Photos Tagged vtenginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

Map of V&T Shops and Yards

V&T #18

Virginia & Truckee Enginehouse

V&T #14 Esmeralda

Train in Carson City

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

Emerging From The Enginehouse

Train in Carson City

V&T Engine #27

V&T #11

V&T #11 In The Enginehouse

Taking On Oil

Virginia & Truckee #13

V&T #18

Nevada Day Parade

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T #12 Genoa

V&T Employees

V&T #11 The Reno

V&T #22 Inyo

V&T #18 Dayton

V&T Shops

Road Grader

Blacksmith Shop

V&T Foundry

V&T Machine Shop

V&T #1 The Lyon

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Caboose #24

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Enginehouse

V&T Safe

Railroad Yard Repurposed

V&T Coach #16 at Carson City

V&T #11 The Reno

V&T Enginehouse Demolition

Inside the V&T Shops

V&T Enginehouse Demolition

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops

Inside the V&T Shops