Browse All Photos Photographed by Carleton Watkins

The French Mill - Silver City

The Woodworth Mill - Carson River

The Brunswick Mill - Reservoirs

The Brunswick Mill - Carson River

The Brunswick Mill - Carson River (Interior View)

The Brunswick Mill - Carson River

The Morgan Mill - Carson River

The Morgan Mill - Carson River

The Morgan Mill - Carson River

The Ophir Hoisting Works

The Savage Hoisting Works

The Hale and Norcross

The Hale - Norcross and Savage

Loading Ore from the Chollar

The Bonanzas - from the Combination Shaft

The Bullion Hoisting Works

Gold Hill - from the Wheeler Monument

Gold Hill, Nevada, View from the Reservoir

The Overman New Shaft

The Justice Hoisting Works

The Florida Hoisting Works

The Florida Hoisting Works

The Baltimore Hoisting Works

The Pacific - 6 Mile Canyon

The Empire State - 6 Mile Canyon

The Windfield - 7 Mile Canyon

The "Land" - 7 Mile Canyon

The Franklin Mill - Carson River

View up the Carson River

The Eureka Mill - Carson River

The Eureka Mill - Carson River

The Santiago Mill - Carson River

The Santiago Mill - Carson River

The Santiago Mill - Carson River

The Vivian Mill - Carson River

The Vivian Mill - Carson River

The Vivian Mill - Carson River, from the V&T R. R.

The Merrimac - View down the Carson River

The Merrimac and Brunswick Mills - Carson River

The Merrimac Mills, View East - Carson River

The Merrimac from the Brunswick - Carson River

Mexican Mill - Carson River

The Divide, from the Water Flume

The Combination Shaft, from the Water Flume

The City and Sugar Loaf Canyon, from the Water Flume

Virginia City, from the Water Flume

Trout Hatchery on the Ophir Grade

Reservoir, with Mt. Davidson

Reservoir on the Divide

Office and Reservoir, Virginia City City Water Works

Laying Foundation, North Consolidation

Claim Stakes, between Sierra Nevada and North Consolidated - Virginia City

Old Sierra Nevada Hoisting Works

Sierra Nevada and North Consolidated - Virgina City

Sierra Nevada Hoisting Works, Old and New - Virginia City

Virginia City, from the Cemetery

Sierra Nevada, from the North Consolidated

Carson From King to Second, Stereo View

Carson From King to Second

Catholic Church, Virginia City