C Street, Virginia City

Tags: blackandhowellbuilding , crystalbarsaloon , cstreet , gilligblock , internationalhotel , roosbrothersbuilding , virginiacity

Date of photo: 1800s

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: Nevada Ghost Towns and Historic Sites

Available Sizes: 960x782

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Looking north on C Street in Virginia City in the late 1800s. The Crystal Bar and the Gillig Block building are on the left. The International Hotel rises in the background behind them. The Black and Howell Building is on the right.

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Date Uploaded: June 9, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/fb852348433599151

Contributor: Nevada Ghost Towns and Historic Sites on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Nevada Ghost Towns and Historic Sites

Source URL: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=852348433599151&set=a.465020845665247

Source Caption: Unique find! Image 1: 1800s image from C Street in Virginia City with the iconic International Hotel in the background.
One of our great page supporters, Jeff Stein shared some fantastic old images he acquired and has graciously allowed this page to post this to our main page. This is one of them. I will be posting a few of them today and tomorrow. I have done some adjustments to try and remove the image yellowing.

Jeff describes the images as: "I acquired these pictures 13 years ago. They are mounted on a cloth backing

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