Virginia City

Tags: bucketofblood , cstreet , deltasaloon , virginiacity

Date of photo: 1962

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: Janice Oberding

Available Sizes: 1024x682 | 2048x1365

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Looking up C Street in Virginia City. On the right side of the street is the Bucket of Blood Saloon. The Delta Saloon is on the left.

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Date Uploaded: June 9, 2024

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Contributor: Janice Oberding on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Janice Oberding

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Source Caption: Busy day on the Comstock circa 1962...This was in a pack of slides dated 1962 so I'm saying that's what it is...I see a ford station wagon there. At least I think it is a ford..

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C Street, Virginia City