C Street, Virginia City

Tags: charlesstones , cstreet , holyjoes , molinellishotel , silverqueen , virginiacity

Date of photo: 1972

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: Howard Macken

Available Sizes: 1024x682 | 2048x1365

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Looking south on C Street in Virginia City. On the right is Charles Stone's Saloon and gift shop. Charles Stone's was where Barrels O' Candy is now. In the 1960s it was also known as Holy Joe's. Behind that is the Silver Queen Saloon, located in Molinelli's Hotel.

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Date Uploaded: May 19, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/fb10227663785794850

Contributor: Howard Macken on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Howard Macken

Source URL: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10227663785794850&set=gm.10159852334931845&idorvanity=50952731844

Source Caption: VC 1972.

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