Virginia City Burro

Tags: bigbonanza , crystalbarsaloon , cstreet , gilligblock , sazaracsaloon , virginiacity

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: Janice Oberding

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A Burro on the sidewalk in Virginia City. In the background is the Sazarac Saloon on the left, and the Crystal Bar in the center. on the right is the Gillig Block building, housing the Big Bonanza General Store.

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Date Uploaded: May 19, 2024

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Contributor: Janice Oberding on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Janice Oberding

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Source Caption: StinkE was not the first, neither was Bernadeen. Decades before either set foot or hoof on C Street, the tradition was started by Bad Water Bill (Arnold Fryk) and his burro Gravel Gertie, C. Street celebrities of the 1950s until the early 1970s. Following Bad Water Bill was Pegleg and his burro Nevada. Sometime later came Sweet Water John (John Buie) and his burro, Ginny. Sweet Water John and Ginny were favorites along C. Street.
In 2004 Edna Calkins Price wrote a memoir entitled Burro Bill and Me. The book tells the story of the author

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