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Virginia City

Virginia City Sidewalk

Downtown Gardnerville

Downtown Gardnerville

Downtown Gardnerville


Minden Inn

MGM Grand Staircase

Virginia City

Virginia City Carriage

Horseshoe Motel

Keshmiri's Pony Express Lodge

Nevada State Capitol Building

Nevada State Prison

Lone Star Ranch

Sutro Tunnel

Ophir Mine

Ophir Mine

Nevada State Capitol Building

Tahoe Nevada Club

Downtown Genoa

Downtown Genoa

Reno Arch

Reno Arch

Riverside Hotel

Territorial Enterprise Building

Comstock House Bar

Virginia City

Piper's Opera House

Piper's Opera House

The Way it Was

St. Mary's Hospital

Silver Dollar Hotel

The Hotel Carney "On the Bonanza Highway" Virginia City, Nevada

Hotel Carney

Washoe County Courthouse

Ormsby House Hotel & Casino

Hunters Lodge

Hunters Lodge

Hunters Lodge

The Ormsby House

Virginia Street, Reno

Reno Motors

Virginia City

Diamond Jubliee

Diamond Jubliee

Old Nevada Brewery

St. Mary's Church

Larry's Lodge

Coach Lite Motel

Blue Fountain Motel

Wagon Train Motel

Safari Motel

Fernandes Motel

Reno Trail Motel

Swan Motel

Wonder Lodge

Coed Lodge

Gatekeeper Inn

Star of Reno Motel