Windfield Mill

Tags: comstock , mills , virginiacity , windfieldmill

Date of photo: 1876

Photographer: Carleton Watkins

Source : California Digital Library

Available Sizes: 1024x733 | 2048x1466 | 5276x3778

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California Digital Library


The Windfield Mill in Seven Mile Canyon north of Virginia City.

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Date Uploaded: June 6, 2024

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Source: California Digital Library

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Source Caption: Shows mine buildings, homes, horse-drawn wagons; men, women and children standing beside buildings.
Description :Attributed to Carleton Watkins - reasonably certain Library's collection of mammoth prints printed from negatives by Watkins.
Description :2010-0534.
Description :Winfield Mill, stamp mill located in Storey County, near Virginia City.

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