Kings Canyon

Tags: carsoncity , kingscanyon , lincolnhighway , ostermannsgrade

Date of photo: 1924

Photographer: Unknown

Source : University of Michigan Library

Available Sizes: 1024x712 | 1596x1111

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Lincoln Highway Digital Image Collection


The Lincoln Highway was one of the first cross-country automobile roads. It passed through Carson City and went up Kings Canyon to Lake Tahoe. For a while this part of the road was known as Ostermann's Grade, named after a vice president of the Lincoln Highway Association who was killed in a car crash. The road was later rerouted through Clear Creek Canyon to the south. This view looks back towards Carson City from the first part of the climb.

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Date Uploaded: July 1, 2024

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Source: University of Michigan Library

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Source Caption: Climbing the Ostermann grade from Carson Valley, Nevada

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