Heroes Memorial Building

Tags: carsoncity , downtowncc , heroesmemorialbuilding , ormsbyhouse

Date of photo: 1922

Photographer: Unknown

Source : University of Michigan Library

Available Sizes: 1024x626 | 2048x1252 | 2611x1597

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Lincoln Highway Digital Image Collection


The Heroes Memorial Building across the street from the Capitol Building in Carson City. In the background is the original Ormsby House at the corner of Second and Carson Streets.

The sign on the pole is for the Lincoln Highway. At this time, King Street went all the way through to Carson Street. The Lincoln Highway made a right turn here to head up Kings Canyon towards Lake Tahoe.

Other Data

Date Uploaded: July 1, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/umich0859

Source: University of Michigan Library

Source URL: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/linchigh/x-lhc0859/LHC0859

Source Caption: Soldiers Memorial Building opposite the state capitol, Carson City, Nevada (1922)

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