Hwy 395

Tags: hwy395 , mountrose , slidemountain , washoecity , washoevalley

Date of photo: 1922

Photographer: Unknown

Source : University of Michigan Library

Available Sizes: 1024x605 | 2048x1211 | 2579x1526

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Lincoln Highway Digital Image Collection


Heading down the hill into Washoe Valley from the north, heading down into Washoe City. This was the first paved Hwy 395 in the 1920s. Little Washoe Lake is on the left. Washoe City is among the trees down the road. Slide Mountain is in the distance on the left, and Mount Rose is on the right.

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Date Uploaded: July 1, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/umich0817

Source: University of Michigan Library

Source URL: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/linchigh/x-lhc0817/LHC0817

Source Caption: Thirteen miles north of Carson City, on the road to Reno, Nevada

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