Hwy 395

Tags: hwy395 , reno , truckeemeadows

Date of photo: 1922

Photographer: Unknown

Source : University of Michigan Library

Available Sizes: 1024x605 | 2048x1210 | 2586x1528

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Lincoln Highway Digital Image Collection


The road to Carson City, heading south out of Reno through the Truckee Meadows. This road was later Hwy 395; now Reno has expanded and this is part of Virginia Street.

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Date Uploaded: July 1, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/umich0809

Source: University of Michigan Library

Source URL: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/linchigh/x-lhc0809/LHC0809

Source Caption: Nine miles south of Reno, Nevada looking south on new concrete road to Carson City, Nevada

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