Gold Hill

Tags: goldhill , goldhilldepot , libertyfirehouse , maynardhouse , minersunionhall , vtrailroad

Date of photo: 1921

Photographer: Unknown

Source : University of Michigan Library

Available Sizes: 1024x306 | 2048x613 | 2943x881

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Lincoln Highway Digital Image Collection


A panorama looking over the north end of Gold Hill in the 1920s. To the left is a mine dump that looks relatively recent. The early 1900s saw a resurgence in mining on the Comstock. The entire site of that dump is now a giant open pit. To the right is the highway heading up Greiners Bend to Virginia City. To the right of that is the V&T Railroad curving past the depot, heading between the Miner's Union Hall and the Liberty Fire House, and continuing up the hill towards Virginia City. On the far right is the Maynard House.

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Date Uploaded: July 2, 2024

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Source: University of Michigan Library

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Source Caption: Gold Hill near Virginia City, Nevada

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