Virginia City

Tags: stmaryschurch , sugarloaf , vcwhitehouse , virginiacity

Date of photo: 1921

Photographer: Unknown

Source : University of Michigan Library

Available Sizes: 1024x582 | 2048x1165 | 2664x1516

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Lincoln Highway Digital Image Collection


Looking east over Virginia City from a vantage point on A Street. On the left is the White House boarding house on B Street, with Sugarloaf Mountain in the distance behind it. In the center are the backs of some C Street businesses. On the right are a couple of houses that have been torn down, with the spire of St Mary's Church rising above them. The space below the photographer is now the Courthouse parking lot.

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Date Uploaded: July 2, 2024

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Source: University of Michigan Library

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Source Caption: Virginia City, Nevada

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