Mining on the Comstock

Tags: comstock , mining

Date of photo: 1876

Photographer: T.L. Dawes

Source : The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley

Available Sizes: 1024x791 | 2048x1583 | 3528x2728

Download: JPG (1949 KB)

Honeyman (Robert B., Jr.) - Collection of Early Californian and Western American Pictorial Material


A drawing from 1876 depicting how the underground hard rock mining on the Comstock Lode worked. It shows the timbers supporting the mine, men working at the edges, conveyor belts bringing the ore between different levels, and some of the tools that were used. Also included are sketches of some of the major mines.

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Date Uploaded: July 4, 2024

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Source: The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley

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Source Caption: Image / Mining on the Comstock

Download Photo: JPG (1949 KB)

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Treadwell's Bird's-Eye View of the Comstock Mines and Vicinity