Tunnel #6

Tags: comstock , stmaryschurch , tunnel6 , virginiacity , vtrailroad , vtvcdepot

Date of photo: 1938

Photographer: Bob Searle

Source : Virginia and Truckee: The Bonanza Road

Available Sizes: 1024x669 | 1953x1277

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Virginia & Truckee Tunnel #6 traveled underneath E Street in Virginia City, for a couple of blocks between Washington and Taylor Streets. It went under the ridge separating the old passenger depot to the south of St. Mary's Church and the new passenger depot to the north. The old depot and the church are seen to the right.

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Date Uploaded: January 22, 2020

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/tbr0116

Source: Virginia and Truckee: The Bonanza Road

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