Virginia City Station

Tags: virginicity , vtrailroad , vtvcdepot

Date of photo: 1938

Photographer: Roy D. Graves

Source : Steamcars to the Comstock

Available Sizes: 1024x759 | 2048x1519 | 2880x2137

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A train sits at the Virginia City depot, waiting to leave for Carson. On the right is the VC freight depot. Beyond it is the car barn, and hidden behind that is the passenger depot. On the left, in the distance, is the spire of St. Mary's Church and the darkness of Tunnel #6, which passed under a small ridge in front of the church.

This is purported to be the last scheduled train ever to leave the Virginia City depot, in 1938.

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Date Uploaded: January 26, 2010

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Source: Steamcars to the Comstock

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