Date Uploaded: March 18, 2025
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Source: nevadaneonproject on Instagram
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Source Caption: Does anybody know what happened to this Fortune Teller sign on Virginia Street in Reno? The business had been closed for several years. We asked the owner if we could preserve the sign and he said that he was going to destroy the sign because he didn’t want any competitors to use it for their business. We worked with the realtor when the property was for sale and again, we had no luck. Yesterday, we drove by and saw that the sign is gone. We went to look to see if it was still on the property. There was a pile of glass stands that appeared to be amateurishly pulled off the sign. This made us think that whoever took the sign isn’t going to preserve it. There was also some damage to the fence out front, so there is a possibility that it was hit by a car. We would really love to take care of this sign and make it available in the future for exhibitions. if you know anything about where the sign could be, please, DM us. We are super sad that this classic sign is no longer part of our landscape.
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