Harrah's Reno

Tags: downtownreno , firstnationalbankofnevada , harrahsclub , harrahsreno , reno , skeelsdrugs , virginiastreet

Date of photo: 1955

Photographer: Dave Gelinas

Source : Reddit

Available Sizes: 1024x662 | 1500x971

Download: JPG (203 KB)


Harrah's Club in downtown Reno, and next door is the First National Bank of Nevada. In the distance on the other side of Second Street is Skeel's Drugs.

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Date Uploaded: August 1, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/photo1825

Source: Reddit

Source URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/Reno/comments/rh3s3c/reno_nevada_virginia_street_circa_1955_photo_from/

Source Caption: Reno Nevada - Virginia Street - Circa 1955. Photo from the collection of Dave Gelinas

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