This fantastic aerial photo shows the Carson Mall under construction. The basic structure and roof is done, but you can see work being done on the facade and interiors of the shops. The photo is dated 1978, but that has to be wrong. The mall was built in 1964, and this view of the surrounding area seems to match up with that date.
At the bottom of the photo, some business on the west side of Carson Street can be seen. The Douglas gas station has a couple of pickup trucks filling up. That station is still there, now operating as Gas N Save. Next door is Al's Plumbing, with the old V&T McKeen Motor car visible on the south side, incorporated into the building. And next to that is the Shell station, which is still located on that spot.
At the very top of the photo is the NDOT headquarters on Stewart Street, all by itself in a very empty parking lot. To the left of the mall is the Copeland Lumber, which closed in 2008.
In the parking lot of the mall itself is a small building with a canopy out front, where the Carls Jr. is now. It looks like it's a gas station, but there are no pumps.
Date Uploaded: November 8, 2008
Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/photo0010
Source: UNR Special Collections
Source URL: http://contentdm.library.unr.edu/u?/spphotos,824
Source Caption: Aerial photograph of Carson Mall and surrounding area, Carson City, looking east, northeast; the tall building, top center of picture is the NDOT building; the street at the bottom is Carson Street; in the center is Stewart Street. Photographic print, 8 x 10 inches
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