Virginia City

Tags: cstreet , deltasaloon , oldsmokeryclub , oldvirginiakitchen , pioneerdrugstore , virginiacity

Date of photo: 1937

Photographer: Robert W. Kerrigan

Source : Historic American Buildings Survey (Library of Congress)

Available Sizes: 1024x708 | 2048x1417 | 3500x2423

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Library of Congress


A block of businesses along C Street in Virginia City. Some of the storefronts seen are the Pioneer Drug Store, the Old Virginia Kitchen, and the Old Smokery Club. The Smokery Club was later the Delta Saloon.

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Date Uploaded: July 26, 2024

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Source: Historic American Buildings Survey (Library of Congress)

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Source Caption: Historic American Buildings Survey Robert W. Kerrigan, Photographer Original: March 1937 - C Street Area Survey (Commercial Buildings), Virginia City, Storey County, NV

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