Virginia City

Tags: birothbuilding , cstreet , hotelvirginia , vcnationalguardhall , virginiacity

Date of photo: 1938

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Historic American Buildings Survey (Library of Congress)

Available Sizes: 1024x650 | 2048x1300 | 3500x2222

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Library of Congress


A group of buildings in Virginia City that have all been demolished. From left to right we can see the Virginia City National Guard Hall, the Hotel Virginia, and the Biroth Building.

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Date Uploaded: July 26, 2024

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Source: Historic American Buildings Survey (Library of Congress)

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Source Caption: Historic American Buildings Survey, National Park Service, San Francisco Original: About 1938 Re-photo: May 1940 South end of C St. - C Street Area Survey (Commercial Buildings), Virginia City, Storey County, NV

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