C Street, Virginia City

Tags: comstockpost34 , cstreet , hotelvirginia , tahoehousehotel , vcnationalguardhall , virginiacity

Date of photo: 1937

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Historic American Buildings Survey (Library of Congress)

Available Sizes: 1024x555 | 2048x1111 | 3500x1899

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Library of Congress


Looking north on C Street in Virginia City. On the left is the Tahoe House Hotel. On the right are the American Legion Comstock Post 34, the Hotel Virginia and the Virginia City National Guard Hall, which have all been demolished.

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Date Uploaded: July 26, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/habs104157pu

Source: Historic American Buildings Survey (Library of Congress)

Source URL: https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/nv0083.photos.104157p/

Source Caption: Historic American Buildings Survey, Wells Fargo Bank Historical Museum, S.F. Original: About 1937 Re-photo: August, 1940 - C Street Area Survey (Commercial Buildings), Virginia City, Storey County, NV

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