Nevada State Museum

Tags: carsoncity , carsonstreet , downtowncc , nevadastatemuseum , usmint

Date of photo: 1967

Photographer: Rick Donaldson

Source : Rick Donaldson on Flickr

Available Sizes: 1024x1010 | 2048x2020 | 4029x3974

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via Rick Donaldson on Flickr


The Nevada State Museum at 600 N. Carson Street. Housed in the old U.S. Mint building. The parking lot on the left used to be the site of the Arlington Hotel; it was demolished the year before this picture was taken.

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Date Uploaded: March 11, 2018

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Source: Rick Donaldson on Flickr

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Source Caption: Looking northward on Carson Street in downtown Carson City towards the old US Mint. This building was then, and now occupied by the Nevada State Musuem. Summer 1967. Scanned from a Kodak Instamatic print. No negative available.

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