Downtown Carson City

Tags: carsoncity , carsonstreet , downtowncc , geohmeyershardware , proctorstreet , salvationarmythriftstore , securitynationalbank , sierraltitle

Date of photo: 1983

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Flickr

Available Sizes: 1024x732 | 2048x1464

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Thanks to Fred Nietz


This view looks southwest along Carson Street, at the corner of Proctor. Sierra Land Title is occupying the old bank building on the corner. The two-story Eagle Market used to be on this site until the 1960s, when it was demolished and this building was built to house the Security National Bank. Next to Sierra Land Title is the Salvation Army Thrift Store during the time when they had a downtown location. At the far left corner of the block is the Geo. H. Meyers Hardware store.

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Date Uploaded: April 20, 2008

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Contributor: Arlington Group Events (via Flickr)

Source: Flickr

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