Santa Fe Hotel

Tags: downtownreno , lakestreet , reno , santafehotel

Date of photo: July 21, 2006

Photographer: Allen Sandquist

Source : Flickr: Roadsidepictures

Available Sizes: 1024x685 | 1200x803

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The Santa Fe Hotel on Lake Street in downtown Reno. Harrah's had to be built around this hotel because they refused to sell. Built in 1949, the restaurant closed in 2020.

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Date Uploaded: August 16, 2024

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Contributor: Roadsidepictures on Flickr

Source: Flickr: Roadsidepictures

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Source Caption: Reno, Nevada

This is the only building on the entire block that is not part of Harrah's Hotel and Casino.

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