Gold Hill

Tags: crownpointravine , crownpointtrestle , forthomestead , goldhill , vtrailroad

Date of photo: 1870s

Photographer: Carleton Watkins

Source : Facebook: Nevada Ghost Towns and Historic Sites

Available Sizes: 1024x1004 | 2048x2009

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Looking east over Gold Hill during its heyday. At the lower right is the Crown Point Trestle of the V&T Railroad, with houses clinging to the side of Crown Point Ravine. Above that is downtown Gold Hill, and on top of the hill beyond is Fort Homestead.

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Date Uploaded: July 2, 2024

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Contributor: Nevada Ghost Towns and Historic Sites on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Nevada Ghost Towns and Historic Sites

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Source Caption: This remarkable 1870s photograph, captured by the renowned historic photographer Carleton Watkins, offers a view from the Ophir Grade high above Gold Hill, Nevada. In the lower right, you can see the Crown Point Trestle spanning Bowers Canyon.

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