Carson Railroad Yards

Tags: carsoncity , vt26 , vtenginehouse , vtrailroad , vtrailyards

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: Nevada Ghost Towns and Historic Sites

Available Sizes: 1024x591 | 1742x1006

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The Virginia & Truckee Enginehouse in Carson City, and the railyards in front of it. The paint shop is on the right. The locomotive on the left seems to be #26.

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Date Uploaded: June 20, 2024

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Contributor: Nevada Ghost Towns and Historic Sites on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Nevada Ghost Towns and Historic Sites

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Source Caption: Snapshot from the early 1900s capturing the railroad buildings of Carson City, Nevada looking a little overgrown. Here, the Virginia & Truckee Railroad is showcased, with a view of the roundhouse-shop. Two locomotives dominate the scene, one stationed on the track while another from near the distant round house building.

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