Red Dog Saloon

Tags: comstockhouse , kittyslongbranch , reddogsaloon , virginiacity

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: KW Holt

Available Sizes: 1024x784 | 1242x950

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The Red Dog Saloon in the Comstock House Hotel at 76 N C Street in Virginia City. This space was Kitty's Longbranch in the early 60s, Red Dog Saloon in the late 60s, Kitty's Longbranch again in the 70s and 80s, and the Red Dog again in the 90s. It is still open today, though it briefly became Kitty's Longbranch again for a short time in 2008.

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Date Uploaded: June 9, 2024

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Contributor: KW Holt on Facebook

Source: Facebook: KW Holt

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Red Dog Saloon