Date of photo: January 10, 1940
Photographer: Unknown
Date Uploaded: July 25, 2021
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Contributor: Nevada Armored Transport, Inc. 1946-1984 on Facebook
Source: Facebook: Nevada Armored Transport, Inc. 1946-1984
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Source Caption: What remains of the picturesque old Gold Hill School, a towering wooden structure in Gold Hill, Nevada built in 1873, that was burned to the ground tonight by a fire which broke out in the upper stories & raged for three hours despite the efforts of hundreds of volunteer firemen. The blaze apparently started from a defective chimney in the attic & seemed to spread from the south end to the rear of the ancient building. The flames were discovered about 8 p.m. Virginia City's fire truck & numerous volunteer firefighters rushed to the scene, although handicapped by almost two feet of snow. The only piece of fire apparatus in Gold Hill is an old-time hand-drawn horse cart, which was not used.
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