Commercial Row

Tags: commercialrow , downtownreno , haroldsclub , reno , sierraturfclub

Date of photo: 1970s

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: Harolds Club Movie

Available Sizes: 800x636

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Commercial Row in downtown Reno, between Virginia and Center Streets. By the 70s these were mostly pawn shops, but the Sierra Turf Club was still there. Soon after these buildings were demolished for a Harold's Club expansion.

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Date Uploaded: May 11, 2023

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Contributor: Harolds Club Movie on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Harolds Club Movie

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Source Caption: This looks old, but it isn't ancient. This is what Commercial Row looked like in the late 1970's - we know this because Fitzgeralds on the far right went up in '76. You can see a corner of Harolds as well. By this time these historic storefronts had become quite tired - pawn shops and vacancies. But what if these had been preserved? I can envision a block like this being part of the Reno rebirth. But sadly, and true to form, this was razed... for a vacant lot. This is why it's important to monitor whats happening with the old Masonic building, the NCO building and others. Consider joining the Historic Reno Preservation Society

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