The Glenbrook at the Museum

Tags: carsoncity , nevadastatemuseum , theglenbrook , usmint

Date of photo: 1960

Photographer: Ron Harr

Source : Facebook: James B Bane

Available Sizes: 1024x728 | 1391x990

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Locomotive "The Glenbrook" on display in front of the Nevada State Museum.

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Date Uploaded: January 30, 2020

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Contributor: James B Bane on Facebook

Source: Facebook: James B Bane

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Source Caption: Ron Harr took a few shots both in color and b&w of Glenbrook at Carson City in 1960. Here is one of them. From Wikipedeia, Glenbrook was blt. by Baldwin in 1875 for Carson &Tahoe Lumber & Fluming Co. It was eventually sold to the Nevada County NG RR as a parts donor for another engine "Tahoe". When NCNG closed the original owners of the Glenbrook bought it back and donated it to the Nevada State Railroad Museum. It has been restored to operation in recent years. Other posts on this site cover its mechanical restoration. The scan is from the SVRR Archives.

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