Virginia and Truckee in Washoe Valley

Tags: vt27 , vtcoach20 , vtcoach21 , vtrailroad , washoelake , washoevalley

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: Jonas Bishop

Available Sizes: 1024x617 | 1170x705

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The Virginia and Truckee railroad travels through Washoe Valley, with Washoe Lake in the background. This photo seems to be locomotive #26 pulling Railway Mail, Express & Baggage Car #21 and Coach #20.

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Date Uploaded: June 20, 2024

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Contributor: Jonas Bishop on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Jonas Bishop

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Source Caption: Does anyone know what the story is on these tank cars? They seem common in pictures with the #26 and #27 from this era on the V&T. Did a new business pick up, were they owned by the V&T?

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Virginia & Truckee #29