Ormsby House Hotel & Casino

Tags: carsoncity , downtowncc , ormsbyhouse , postcard

Date of photo: 1970s

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: William Irish III

Available Sizes: 1024x688 | 1600x1076

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The new Ormsby House was opened in 1972 at the corner of Fifth and Carson Streets. In its early days there was still parking on the north side of the building. The casino was expanded all the way to Fifth Street a few years later. The 10-story hotel was, and still is, the tallest building in Carson City. The Ormsby House sign on the roof glowed red at night and could be seen from all over the valley. It closed in 2000 and has been under renovation/for sale ever since.

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Date Uploaded: July 2, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/fb122117477138327143

Contributor: William Irish III on Facebook

Source: Facebook: William Irish III

Source URL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/381732195096/permalink/10162017315225097

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