Date of photo: 1950s
Photographer: Unknown
Date Uploaded: March 8, 2017
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Contributor: Nevada Armored Transport, Inc. 1946-1984 on Facebook
Source: Facebook: Nevada Armored Transport, Inc. 1946-1984
Source Caption: Postcard photo of the Wagon Wheel Saloon and Casino at Stateline, NV in northern Nevada circa mid 1950's. As with most photos shared I like to do a brief background search for my own Nevada history education.
During the course of this one I discovered it was opened by Harvey Gross and his wife in 1944. I also found a page on Facebook which has a great photo of it in all of it's night time glory while date circa 1952 by them looks to me to be mid to late 1940's. Note the difference between the two in the next photo share.
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