Date of photo: October 12, 1964
Photographer: Reno Gazette-Journal
Source : Facebook: Dorlon Peckham
Date Uploaded: December 19, 2024
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Contributor: Dorlon Peckham on Facebook
Source: Facebook: Dorlon Peckham
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Source Caption: Monday, Oct 12, 1964 was a beautiful autumn morning in the Truckee Meadows. Reno had a population of only 51,470. At that time, I was an eight-year-old, second-grader, attending Roger Corbett Elementary School on Villanova Drive. My second-grade teacher, Mrs. Carlson, encouraged our class to attend the event to hear President Lyndon B. Johnson speak in front of the State Building in downtown Reno. (The State Building was located where the Pioneer Center for the Arts now stands). With my parents at my side, we were only feet away from the President. I can still see President Johnson vividly in my mind. What strikes me now, as unbelievable, was the lack of security around the president. The audience had access to him as we were only feet away. The assassination of Kennedy happened less than a year prior, yet, no one in Reno could fathom shooting the president. Shootings of any kind in the United States, let alone Reno, were far and few between… At that time, Reno was truly The Biggest Little City… that Reno of yesteryear is long gone… Photo credit: RJG
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