V&T Depot

Tags: carsoncity , carsonstreet , downtowncc , vtccdepot , vtrailroad

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: Matt Liverani

Available Sizes: 1024x587 | 1713x981

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The Virginia & Truckee Railroad Depot on Carson Street in Carson City.

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Date Uploaded: June 20, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/fb10224454597528678

Contributor: Matt Liverani on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Matt Liverani

Source URL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/808084679229190?multi_permalinks=7596095953761328

Source Caption: Whilst cleaning up in my office the other night, I ran across an envelope that held several negatives that I thought I had already donated to NSRM. Since I had forgotten about the negatives, I checked to see if I'd had them scanned and fortunately, I did! All four of these were labeled for Carson City, but I have no dates or photographer name(s).

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