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Ormsby House

Date of photo: 1980s
Photographer: Michael Emerson Avitt

Source: Facebook: Michael Emerson Avitt

Tags: carsoncity, downtowncc, ormsbyhouse,

Available Sizes: 800x303 | 1024x388 | 1848x701


The Ormsby House in downtown Carson City, during the 1980s when it was still open.


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Date Uploaded: March 20, 2021

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/fb10221436575196291

Contributor: Michael Emerson Avitt on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Michael Emerson Avitt

Source URL: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10221436575196291&set=gm.3886042604794510

Source Caption: Ormsby House in Carson City. It seems the Ormsby was open all through the 1980s but about 1990 experienced financial difficulty that was never overcome. I spoke to Truett Loftin, owner of the Ormsby in 1989, when I worked for the Nugget. I remember him saying a group from the east coast wanted to buy his casino and he (Truett) would rather sell to the owners of the Nugget.

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