C Street, Virginia City

Tags: cstreet , maggiescloset , storeycountyvolunteerfiredepartment , tahoehousehotel , virginiacity

Date of photo: 1970

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: Darrell David Ross

Available Sizes: 1024x682 | 1535x1023

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Looking north on C Street in Virginia City. The large building on the left is the Tahoe House Hotel. In 1970 it was a restaurant and museum. Now the building is mostly gift shops. There is also a sign for Maggie's Closet. On the right in the distance is the bell tower of the Storey County Volunteer Fire Department.

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Date Uploaded: June 9, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/fb10161403355334322

Contributor: Darrell David Ross on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Darrell David Ross

Source URL: https://www.facebook.com/VintageRoadside/posts/pfbid024hBu4fJTHcBYTmRVU45gGL7n4QntDUVQHTHDJorZXRYPyEmiYCXXaEbfSKW7Un3el

Source Caption: This slide is from 1970. I can't remember if this is Virginia City or Carson City....

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