C Street, Virginia City

Tags: cstreet , hotelvirginia , tahoehousehotel , vcnationalguardhall , virginiacity , wellsfargobankandexpressoffice

Date of photo: 1923

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Facebook: Virginia City, NV

Available Sizes: 1024x671 | 1575x1033

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Looking north on C Street in Virginia City. On the left is the Tahoe House Hotel. On the right is the Wells Fargo Bank and Express Office, the Hotel Virginia, and the Virginia City National Guard Hall.

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Date Uploaded: July 23, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/fb10158061931973617

Contributor: Virginia City, NV on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Virginia City, NV

Source URL: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10158061931973617&set=a.494095868616

Source Caption: Flashing back to 1923. The days where our streets were busy with these old school buggies.#FlashbackFriday

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