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Downtown Carson

Snowy Carson

Date of photo: 1918
Photographer: Unknown

Source: Facebook: Nevada State Railroad Museum, Carson City

Tags: carsoncity, usmint, vtconstruction6, vtrailroad,

Available Sizes: 800x495 | 1024x634 | 1946x1205


A view along Caroline Street on a snowy day in Carson City. The U.S. Mint is on the left. At this time, Caroline Street was a Virginia and Truckee Railroad right of way, a spur track off the main line one block over on Washington Street. A couple of V&T cars are parked to the right, including Construction boxcar #6.


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Date Uploaded: April 3, 2020

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/fb10157175730285669

Contributor: Nevada State Railroad Museum, Carson City on Facebook

Source: Facebook: Nevada State Railroad Museum, Carson City

Source URL: https://www.facebook.com/NSRMCC/photos/a.10150660061400669/10157175730285669/?type=3&theater

Source Caption: #WaybackWednesday It's a sunny day in Carson City, but we sure could use some snow. This photo of Carson City was taken in 1918 during, or shortly after, a snowstorm. The view faces west on the Virginia & Truckee right-of-way that ran alongside the Mint on Caroline Street near the intersection with Carson Street. In the past, the V&T used this line to serve the Mint and a freight house located at the corner of Plaza Street and Caroline Street. Today, the tracks are gone and the Nevada State Museum's Dema Guinn Concourse occupies the location of Caroline Street between Curry Street and Carson Street. Photo from the Dockery Collection, NSRM.

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