Burro Bill on Jackass Hill

Tags: burrobillonjackasshill , skydeck , virginiacity

Date of photo: 1947

Photographer: Jervie Henry Eastman

Source : UC Davis, University Library, Special Collections

Available Sizes: 710x1024 | 1420x2048 | 2109x3040

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Eastman's Originals Collection


Burro Bill on Jackass Hill was a gift shop in Virginia City. It was at the corner of C and Union Streets, on the site of the old Frederick House Hotel. Later it was known as the Sky Deck. It has since been torn down and replaced with a restaurant.

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Date Uploaded: July 7, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/b5947

Source: UC Davis, University Library, Special Collections

Source URL: https://calisphere.org/item/ark:/13030/tf496nb194/

Source Caption: Brick building housing bar and antiques shop with antique mining machinery sitting outside along with wrought-iron stand with light fixtures and sign reading "BURRO BILL on Jackass Hill."

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