C Street, Virginia City

Tags: blackandhowellbuilding , crystalbarsaloon , cstreet , virginiacity

Date of photo: 1947

Photographer: Jervie Henry Eastman

Source : UC Davis, University Library, Special Collections

Available Sizes: 1024x667 | 2048x1335 | 2432x1586

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Eastman's Originals Collection


Looking north on C Street in Virginia City, from Taylor Street. Piles of snow are on the sidewalks and in the gutters. On the left is the Crystal Bar Saloon. On the right is the Black and Howell Building.

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Date Uploaded: July 7, 2024

Permanent Link: http://wnhpc.com/details/b5247

Source: UC Davis, University Library, Special Collections

Source URL: https://calisphere.org/item/ark:/13030/tf509nb1km/

Source Caption: Virginia City, Nev. in Winter. Photograph of a photograph of snow-covered street with commercial buildings and automobiles.

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