Circular Staircase in Washoe Club, Built in 1862 Virginia City, Nev

Tags: oldwashoeclub , virginiacity

Date of photo: 1947

Photographer: Jervie Henry Eastman

Source : UC Davis, University Library, Special Collections

Available Sizes: 635x1024 | 1271x2048 | 1506x2426

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Eastman's Originals Collection


A staircase inside the Old Washoe Club in Virginia City. This staircase is now reported to be haunted.

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Date Uploaded: July 7, 2024

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Source: UC Davis, University Library, Special Collections

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Source Caption: Circular Staircase in Washoe Club, Built in 1862 Virginia City, Nev. Photograph of a photograph of circular staircase from floor above.

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