Flying A Service Station

Tags: flyingaservicestation , halesdrugs , rayeylerswestendservice , reno

Date of photo: 1950s

Photographer: Unknown

Source : Flickr: Roadsidepictures

Available Sizes: 880x573

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The Flying A Service Station in west Reno. This appears to be at the corner of Fourth and Vine streets in Reno. This view shows the service station from the back, from the parking lot of the Plaza Shopping Center next door. Across Vine street to the right is Hale's Drugs. In the distance, across 4th Street in the middle, is Ray Eyler's Westend Service and Chevron station.

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Date Uploaded: February 28, 2022

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Contributor: Roadsidepictures on Flickr

Source: Flickr: Roadsidepictures

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Source Caption: I bought a box of Kodachrome transparencies at a yard sale and this one is a favorite.

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Flying A Service Station